
By AnthonyVolz

Ace Frehley: Age, Weight, Height, Wife, Net Worth

Сеlеbrаtеd Nаmе: Асе Frеhlеу
Rеаl Nаmе/Full Nаmе: Раul Dаnіеl “Асе” Frеhlеу
Gеndеr: Маlе
Аgе: 70 уеаrѕ оld
Віrth Dаtе: 27 Арrіl 1951
Віrth Рlасе:
Тhе Вrоnх, Nеw Yоrk, Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ
Nаtіоnаlіtу: Аmеrісаn
Неіght: 1.85 m
Wеіght: 82 kg
Ѕехuаl Оrіеntаtіоn: Ѕtrаіght
Маrіtаl Ѕtаtuѕ: Іn rеlаtіоnѕhір
Сhіldrеn: Yеѕ (Моnіquе Frеhlеу)
Dаtіng/Gіrlfrіеnd (Nаmе): Yеѕ (Rасhаеl Gоrdоn)
Аmеrісаn muѕісіаn аnd ѕоngwrіtеr
Nеt Wоrth іn 2021: $2 mіllіоn
Lаѕt Uрdаtеd: November 2021


Paul Daniel Ace Frehley, an American singer and songwriter, is known as Paul Daniel Ace Frehley. When he was playing the head guitar, his identity was recognized. He was also a part of the formation of rock band kiss. He is also the inventor of the notes for the “Spaceman”, where he entertained the audience from 1973 until 1982, when he left.

You may be familiar with Ace Frehley’s height and age, as well as his net worth for 2021. This article will provide details about Ace Frehley’s biography, net worth, career, personal life, net worth today, age, weight, height, and many other facts. Let’s get started, if that’s you. Early Life Ace Frehley was conceived in 1951 in The Bronx in New York City. He was the youngest of the three children in his family. His mother was Esther Anna Frehley and Carl Daniel Frehley.

Ace’s father was a Pennsylvania Dutch refugee, while his mother is North Carolina. Frehley has a brother named Charles who plays the guitar. He has a sister named Nancy. Ace was a member of a street gang called Ducky Boys when he was young. Frehley received an electric guitar as a Christmas gift in 1964. This gave him the opportunity to learn how to play the instrument and join his musically-inclined family.

Frehley didn’t have a reason to go to music school, as his family could teach him the same. Although his dad and mum were both pianists, Frehley’s father could also play the mouth organ. Ace’s sister and brother could also play the piano, as well as the acoustic guitar. Frehley was raised in music and by the time he was thirteen years old, he was able to play the guitar. B., Jeff Becks and Albert Lee were Ace’s role models. B king was among the many people who gave Ace yarn in the music industry. Age, Height, Weight

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Wealthy Persons Being born on 27 April 1951, Ace Frehley is 70 years old as of today’s date 20th October 2021. His height is 1.85m and his weight is 82.2 kg.

Career Frehley was involved in street gangs because he wasn’t raised in a wealthy family. He shifted his guitar to save his life and became a member in the Kiss. Ace joined The Outrage, King Kong, The Magic People and Honey bands. Frehley quit school but was forced by his girlfriend and parents to return to school where he received a diploma. For a brief time, Frehley worked as a mail carrier and in other small jobs for boys his age. Frehley was a member of a number of bands starting in the 1970s. He also registered half the album RCA Records’ 1971. Frehley returned to the Kiss in 1996 where he entertained people on several international tours. Recognitions & Awards

Wealthy Persons According to Guitar World magazine, Ace ranks at position 14 among the Greatest Metal Guitarist of All Time. From 1974 to 1998, Frehley produced ten studio albums that included a kiss. Destroyer, Hotter Than Hell Dynasty and many other albums are among them. Between 1995 and 2006, he has four live albums. He has 12 compilation albums with songs such as Double Platinum, The best of the kiss and many others. All of this was done between 1978 and 2014. Frehley has seven Box Set Albums. Ace Frehley’s Net Worth and Salary in 2021

Wealthy Persons to Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley Net Worth Ace Frehley’s net worth is approximately $2 million as of October 2021. His music career is his main source of income. Ace has made a living as a musician by selling his albums. Frehley was part of the band Kiss before he started his solo career. Frehley got a portion of the group’s paid gigs.

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American documentary filmmaker Abigail E. Disney is philanthropist and social activist. Her most famous work is the documentary Pray The Devil Back to Hell. She is also an executive producer, director, as well as an actor.

You may be familiar with Abigail E. Disney’s height and age, as well as her net worth for 2021. We have prepared this article to provide details about Abigail E. Disney’s biography, net worth, career, personal life, current net worth, age, weight, height, and other facts. Let’s get started, if that’s you.

Early Life and Biography of Ace Frehley

Abigail Disney is American by birth. Her parents are Patricia Ann, her mother, and Roy E.

Disney, the father. Abigail Disney was born in North Hollywood, California. She attended Yale University and earned a BA degree. She then went on to Stanford University where she received a master’s and Columbia University where she obtained her Ph.D. Abigail completed her Ph.D. thesis about idealized violence in American life.

Abigail Disney, a married woman, married Pierre Norman Hauser in 1988 and has four children. She currently resides in New York City.

Age, height, and weight

Abigail Disney was born 24 January 1960. She is now 61 years old. Today’s date is 21 October 2021. She is 1.76m tall and 79kg in weight.


Ace Frehley
Ace Frehley

Abigail Disney was a Columbia University student and taught English literature at Lona Collage. Abigail Disney moved to the filmmaking business, directing Pray the Devil back to Hell. Pray the Devil back to Hell revealed the life of Liberia Leynah Gbowee, a peace activist. It told the story of the critical role women played in bringing peace to war-torn Liberia. In 2008, Pray the Devil back to Hell won Best Documentary at Tribeca Film Festival. This film was screened on seven continents in 60 countries.

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In 2007, Abigail and Gini founded Fork Films, an production company based in New York. Wealthy Persons

personnel. Fork Films and Film Sprout teamed up in 2009 to create pray the Devil back to hell’s World Peace Tour. This nine-month-long popular screening tour culminated at the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21 2009. The film was shown in 31 countries and 235 cities across the United States of America. LeymahGbowee, the film’s leading character, was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.

In 2018, Disney teamed up with Killer Content to create Level Forward. This was a new type of film, theatre and television production syndicate that aimed at extending the inspiration.

Recognitions & Awards of Ace Frehley

Abigail Disney presented The Women’s Image Network Wards with a award in 2015. They were the ones who nominated the Woman of Year Honouree.

In 2009, Abigail Disney presented the Feminist Majority Foundation with Gini Reticker, Leymah Gbowee and the Global Women’s Rights Awards.

Auburn Theology Seminary also presented her with the Auburn Lives of Commitment Award in 2009.

Abigail Disney Net Worth

Abigail Disney’s net worth is more than $150 million as of October 2021. Abigail Disney is openly skeptical of America’s wealth division. She refused to reveal how rich she was in an interview with the Financial Times on June 5.

In March, Disney said that she would fly private jets to escape distress if she was able.

Abigail Disney, a hardworking executive, is where she is today because of her focus and hard work. She has received many nominations and awards for her hard work.