
By AnthonyVolz

Apprenticeship for “Interior Design Internships”?

Are you wondering if an Interior Design Internships or apprenticeship in interior design is right for your career? This is an option that offers many benefits to students pursuing a degree in interior design.

  1. Before you commit, test the career. You’ll be doing yourself a great favour if you find your job something you love every day, considering the 90,000 hours that most people spend at work over their lifetime. An internship or apprenticeship is the best way to determine if interior designing is right for you. You can learn from experience which trades appeal to you and tailor your education to fit the job you are interested in.
  2. You can also supplement your education. You can practice what you learn, and that will be a big benefit to your education while studying for your degree. An internship or apprenticeship can also be a great way to get practice. If you have more experience in the difficult aspects of your job or those that require repetition, it could lead to higher grades and a better starting salary.
  3. Make the most of this networking opportunity. Your personal connections are key to landing a job. There’s no better way than to intern with or as an apprentice to show your skills to potential employers. They’ll either hire or refer you to another design company if you show them how important you are to the team.
  4. Include job experience on your resume. If you have relevant work experience, it is much easier to get a job after graduation. Employers value your passion for the craft and willingness to work as an apprentice or intern.
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Tips for  Apprentices & Interns

  1. Social media can help you get a job or internship. It’s easy to connect with potential employers via social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Twitter. Engaging with designers by commenting on their posts and blogs makes your name more known than other applicants. This is crucial in a competitive job market. You’ll have a better chance of getting a response to your inquiries if you already have a relationship with the designer through social media. One of my readers, who had been following my blog for a year and left comments, wrote to me to ask if she could intern alongside me. Even though I had not been thinking about adding an intern to our team, I was open to the idea and booked a meeting with her because I felt that I “knew” her.
  2. For unpaid arrangements, set a time limit. Many small businesses do not have the funds to pay for apprenticeships or internships. However, they might be willing to share their knowledge and techniques in return for your assistance with client work. It is impossible to work for no compensation, so it is a good idea to be upfront about the Interior Design Internships amount of time and duration that you are willing to dedicate to this endeavour. These parameters should be established before you start your internship to avoid being in limbo down the line.
  3. Do not take the easy route. You might be intimidated by the work of a famous designer or fearful about working for a large company. While it’s normal to be anxious about both scenarios, I encourage you not to let that stop you from pushing yourself beyond your fears. A challenging apprenticeship will teach you a lot more and allow you to make stronger connections in your professional network.
  4. You might consider doing more than one. There are large and small design firms. Some specialise in residential projects. Others limit their work to commercial projects such as restaurants and hotels. If you are looking for a specific type or specialty of firm, you can expand your knowledge and narrow your job search.
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Bonus: Learn professional interior design skills! Register today for the Interior Design Course at The New York Institute of Art and Design!

Are You Looking for an Interior Design Internships

Many interior designers are confused about the education required to become a professional. Most design careers do not require you to complete a set of education requirements, unlike becoming a teacher or nurse. To be hired as an interior designer, you don’t need to follow a set of steps or pass a particular exam.

All of these options are available to designers interested. 4 year universities offer interior design degree programs and nationally-recognized organisations offer interior design certifications you can earn if you’re interested in formal training. It can be difficult to choose which certifications are worth your time and money in an industry that doesn’t require them.

We often get questions from the New York Institute of Art and Design about whether interior design students must complete internships before they can start work.