
By AnthonyVolz

Is the most commonly prescribed hair loss drug actually effective?

In 1997, Propecia(TM) (1 mg finasteride p.o.) The FDA approved Propecia(TM) (1 mg finasteride p.o.) as the first oral drug to treat common hair loss (aka androgenetic Alopecia). Prior to this point, Proscar(TM), 5 mg finasteride per., was approved by the FDA in 1992. Proscar(TM) (5 mg finasteride p.o.) was approved in 1992 as a treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. You can now Buy Finasteride in Canada as it has been approved as a treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This observation was made and tested in clinical trials. The FDA approved the drug for AGA.

Clinical studies were specifically conducted on men aged between 18 and 41 who had mild to moderate levels of androgenetic hair loss. During the first two years of the study, all men who were treated with Propecia (or placebo) received a tar-based shampoo called NeutrogenaT/Gel(r).2 Shampoo. Propecia(TM), which led to a net increase of scalp hair count and hair regrowth, was shown to lead to clinical improvement as soon as 3 months. Propecia (TM) was shown to slow down hair loss in patients who were enrolled in clinical trials for up to five years. The differences between the treatment groups remained constant over the five-year period. The FDA approved Propecia for treatment of AGA in men based on these results. The FDA determined that Propecia was appropriate for treatment of AGA in men aged 18-41 years old with mild to moderate hair loss at the vertex and anterior midscalp.

Finasteride prevents the metabolic transformation of testosterone (T), to its more pathological form, DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Finasteride inhibits the competitive and selectively inhibitory activity of the type 2-5-alpha reductase enzyme. This prevents the substrate from becoming metabolite. There are a number of lines of evidence that finasteride may affect the levels endogenous steroids hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. testosterone, estrogen etc. By approximately 15%. These observations could partially explain some of these side effects.

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Propecia (TM) is not recommended for women. Women should avoid crushing or breaking PropeciaTM tablets while they are pregnant. This is because finasteride can be absorbed and could pose a risk to a male fetus. It is important to discontinue the use of finasteride for a time before this important test. PropeciaTM may also cause gynecomastia and loss of libido.